
Considering a Live-Aboard Retirement? 150 150 admin

Considering a Live-Aboard Retirement?

Retirement is a time when you can take your prime interest and make it the focus of your lifestyle. For many boaters this means spending time on the water. During pre-retirement years, most people are limited by work commitments to only spend weekends and annual vacations on their boats. Many retirees are now planning to focus on doing what they most enjoy by searching for the right boat to live aboard.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, Yacht Owners Ditch Life on Land for the High Seas : “Living aboard and cruising the world is a retirement dream for many, but it takes planning and preparation to pull off.”

Latitude Yacht Brokerage can help you through the planning and preparation process by assisting you in determining exactly what vessel will best suit your particular needs. What type, style and size vessel do you like? What is your budget for your retirement boat? Are you likely to do long-distance, coastal cruising, or mostly dock-side living?

Whether you are ready to take the plunge and go full live-aboard retirement, or ease into it with a combination of shore-side and live-aboard retirement, we can help you find the right boat. We will consult with you to refine your options and preferences and act as your buyer’s broker to assist you to locate the best boat for your needs and represent your interests in the negotiation and purchase process.

For more information on planning for your retirement boat, contact Gene Magnetti – – who after a long career in the corporate world now assists his fellow boat lovers to find the right sail or powerboat for their retirement living.

Check out these Workshops to get you ready for the boating season! 150 150 admin

Check out these Workshops to get you ready for the boating season!

Visit IYRS this spring or summer for a unique hands-on workshop experience. IYRS workshops are developed for amateurs and experienced alike, taught by industry professionals in an ideal shop setting. Courses offered include:

  • Spring Commissioning – Prepare your boat for the season
  • Diesel Weekend – Theory, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
  • Woman’s Marine System’s Workshop
Set Your Waypoints To The New England Boat Show! 150 150 admin

Set Your Waypoints To The New England Boat Show!

Whether a novice or experienced boat owner, the process of purchasing or selling a boat can be a lengthy one, and as with any investment, it is always a wise decision to turn to those who have the resources to assist you in becoming a well informed and educated consumer in the boating industry.  Please stop by and discover the difference that is Latitude Yacht Brokerage.

Our booth (#3211) is located on the right hand side of the show along the outside wall.  Please call if you cannot find us (401-560-0007).

Dates & Location
February 9-17, 2019
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
415 Summer St.
Boston, MA 02210

Show Hours
Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Tuesday 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Wednesday 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Thursday 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Friday 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Latitude’s Ryan Miller and Charter Agent Sue Gearan will be exhibiting at the Miami Boat Show – February 14-18 150 150 admin

Latitude’s Ryan Miller and Charter Agent Sue Gearan will be exhibiting at the Miami Boat Show – February 14-18

Ryan and Sue will both be on hand all 5 days of the show.  If you are attending and need assistance with buying, selling or chartering, please contact Ryan at (401) 835-0069 and Sue at (954) 376-1235

Hope to see you in warm and sunny Florida!

Brokers Tips: What Are You Considering Buying? 150 150 admin

Brokers Tips: What Are You Considering Buying?

By Matt Leduc, Latitude Yacht Brokerage, LLC

You have made the jump and are looking for a boat for you and your family. You have worked hard for a long time and this is your payoff. Your broker has listened intently to your needs. You have done your homework together and have come up with a handful of boats that could be “The One.” Do you know what you should be looking for?

The entire process of “looking at the boat” is very important. You must look with intent and purpose. You are looking for clues to the boat’s history. It’s nice to get as much information about the boat as possible before you go to see her. Many times the seller may be unaware of an issue, and other times the seller would rather have you try to find the problems. The data you collect should be used to assess if she is worthy of your consideration. Now, let’s go take a look.

It is all about the layout. Boat building has come a long way over the years, and this evolution has made manufacturers consider the customer. It has always been and will always be about layout. Many of my customers need this advice. Many get caught up in the model number/length of a boat from a particular manufacturer. I have seen many manufacturers move a nav-station desk a certain way and, in combination with a slight move in the galley counter top, make a 36-foot boat feel bigger than the previous 38-foot model. It is amazing! The only way you will observe this is to get out on the boats and take a look for yourself. It will only take a few seconds below to find out if you like it or not. Don’t be shy. If she doesn’t fit, move on to the next boat. If you do not like the interior layout or finish, nothing else will matter. If she looks interesting, then continue. Remember, look with intent and purpose.

The first thing I like to do when I’m with a client is to look at the boat from a distance, ideally from as far away from the boat as possible. Stand forward of the bow and look down her centerline. Look for symmetry. Anything out of balance could be a sign of an issue. Keep in mind, you are looking for clues to an issue that the boat has had in her past. It could be nothing, or it could take you down a path for more information. Make your way closer to the hull, looking down the topsides. You will always see some nicks and dings, but you should be looking for cracks, crazing or blisters. These are the issues that could cause the biggest concern. Then, make your way aft and look at the running gear. Check the strut, cutless bearing, shaft, zincs, rudder and rudder bearing.

All of these items tend to come up in a survey once in a while. These items need periodic attention during the boat’s life, and you may need to budget for maintaining or replacing any or all of these within the timeframe of your ownership. The biggest one of the group is the rudder. An extremely high percentage of all rudders in your marina have a moisture or delamination issue. It is very common issue with fiberglass rudders, and you may need to deal with this.

The deck is the make-or-break point for a boat. If the deck has a high moisture reading on a moisture meter and/or is delaminated in high-stress areas, there is a problem. You may not want to deal with it. On older boats, elevated moisture readings or delamination become more common. When dealing with this type of issue the question then becomes location and size. Many times, moisture or delamination is in an area of low stress. In that case, it should be monitored throughout your ownership. Of higher concern are high-stress areas such as chainplates, mast bases, stanchions or the windlass. The good news is that on a fiberglass boat most of these issues can be repaired to be just as good as new.

When inspecting storage compartments, look not only at the storage space but also the tabbing. The tabbing is the 2- to 3-inch tape that holds the interior parts to the hull. Does it look cracked or coming up in areas? If so, it could be a clue to an issue. Compartments are another area that could hide signs of an active or old leak. Get into the bilge – How does it look? Look at the tabbing, keel bolts, wiring and plumbing runs.

Systems investigation may be tricky. In the Northeast, the biggest buying time is in the late winter and spring, when most boats are out of the water. Most of the systems analysis will be done at the time of the survey. The survey will only be done after you have already seen the boat and agreed upon the price. How do you account for systems issues before the survey? You must ask questions of the seller. Get as much information out on the table before you negotiate the price. All of the 12V and 110V systems should be tested at the time of the survey. What about the water systems? If you’re buying a boat and choose to test a system you will be required to re-winterize any system that you decommission.

Many times these systems will be covered in a decommissioning escrow that will be held back at the time of closing. Talk to your broker about the details of the escrow hold back. This is a very brief description of what you may encounter during your purchase process. You may buy and sell a handful of boats in your lifetime. Every one of them is a great investment of time and money. Your Latitude Yacht Broker can sell as many as 30 boats per year. The above advice is a sampling of what our experienced brokers can provide as we guide you through the process, assist in looking at a boat, and manage the transaction and closing.

Exciting Announcements from Latitude! 150 150 admin

Exciting Announcements from Latitude!

Latitude’s 2018 award-winning year is drawling to a close. Another year onboard beautiful boats, as well a record year in overall sales and customer service satisfaction, has made it a year to remember! 2019 marks our 10th year in business and we are excited to announce the addition of three new brokers comprising of a Charter division, a focus to specialize in Classic Yachts, and an expansion into Western CT, NY and NJ, making the next year one of our best yet!

Latitude’s Charter Broker Sue Gearan

This past summer Latitude participated in the Newport Yacht Charter Show at the Newport Shipyard. Latitude recognizes that the charter business is a substantial segment of the market and continues to grow as an exploding trend. Many of our existing clients already charter in the Caribbean and we’d like to offer a better service by assisting them directly. Sue Gearan will be heading up our new Charter Division. She is based in Newport, RI and has been a Yacht Charter Broker for 13 years. Sue has had an extensive career aboard both charter and private yachts working as chef, stewardess and mate for high profile owners and guests. She knows what is needed to ensure that clients get that one-of-a-kind, unforgettable experience. Although her focus is in New England, Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean, Sue has explored over 80 countries, visiting many of the world’s most desirable cruising areas. She loves to share her expertize when planning itineraries. Sue is an outgoing “people person” who analyzes and connects with the client and the crew to ensure a perfect match. To create memories that will last a lifetime call Sue at 954-376-1235 or email her at:

Carter Richardson – Classic Yacht Specialist/Broker

Carter Richardson is Latitude’s classic yacht expert! Carter graduated from the Naval Academy with a degree in Engineering and he served onboard the USS COMSTOCK, deploying overseas to the South Pacific and Alaska. During his time in the service, Carter was qualified as a Navy Diver and Surface Warfare Officer. Upon leaving the Navy, Carter attended IYRS and graduated from the Boat Building and Restoration Program in 2004. Building on the experience that he gained while at IYRS, in 2006 Carter opened East Passage Boatwrights, a full-service inland boat yard that specializes in the restoration of classic wooden yachts like SONNY and SKYLARK of 1937. In 2017, East Passage was a part of the team awarded Classic Boat’s Restoration of the Year (Sail over 40’) for the restoration of the 1935 Sparkman & Stephens yawl SANTANA. Carter’s experience has brought a wealth of knowledge to Latitude. He looks forward to working with buyers and sellers in the stewardship of classic wooden yachts. Call Carter at 401-258-8319 or email:

Welcoming Gene Magnetti onboard as a Yacht Broker!

Our expansion into the western CT, NY and NJ market was necessary. Many companies in the area are very focused on new boat sales. Latitude’s commitment to the brokerage market is second to none. Our focus is your listing! Gene Magnetti will lead our expansion south into a new market for Latitude. With a career in sales, marketing and organizational consulting, and as a lifelong boater and sailor, Gene understands the need for information and helpful advice in buying and selling. He’s held positions at Fortune 500 companies such as Xerox and Exxon, was a Senior VP at a Wall Street mutual fund company, and headed up the Westchester Convention and Visitor’s Bureau as President and CEO. His homeport is Mamaroneck, NY where he sails his 33′ sloop and does harbor tours on his Boston Whaler Montauk with his family. Gene has ten years of yacht brokerage experience assisting clients to find the right boat at the right price or selling at the best possible market price. Call Gene at 914-806-3399 or email:

Boat Buying Done Right; Overview for the First Time, Last Time, or Any Time. 150 150 admin

Boat Buying Done Right; Overview for the First Time, Last Time, or Any Time.

By A. Clayton Slawson III

It’s buying season, so lets do it right! There certainly is a process to follow when gearing up to make a boat purchase for next summer and now is the best time to start.  In the coming weeks, most people will be thinking about snow flakes and how to best enjoy fresh fallen snow, but serious boat buyers should forgo the discounted mid-week lift tickets and instead reserve those token days off for boat shows and working with their broker to effectively navigate the boat buying process as boat inventory expands this time of year.

When buying a vessel, it is important to hire the right people to help in the transaction.  First, look to contract a broker who will manage the process and maintain organization, facilitate any and all essential paperwork, recommend surveyors, delivery personnel, and finance and insurance companies. Access to a proven lender and insurance agents will help speed up the transaction and ensure the “back office” component is complete. Your surveyor will review the vessel’s structural integrity, operating systems, and performance capabilities while your delivery team can handle the physical transportation of your vessel to the new home port.  Each one of these contractors provides a different and specialized service, so consider each a valuable asset in your “boat buying portfolio.”  Reading reviews and testimonials, asking for referrals from your broker, and interviewing all potential service providers is the best method of due diligence to identify the right people for your shopping experience.

Once the right team has been formed, your broker will monitor and oversee the process on your behalf.  He’ll present several boats that meet or exceed your wants and needs, then help narrow the scope to one or two vessels, and finally complete all necessary paperwork throughout the transaction. Plan to close within forty five days as the process includes multiple boat showings, a purchase and sale agreement on the selected vessel, a survey and trial run, vessel acceptance or rejection, and finally the closing. Variables affecting the time line are hinged on external factors like weather and the availability of your hired team, but your broker will manage all of these components and ensure the major events are reached without a hitch and as scheduled.

Certain milestones throughout the buying process are contingent on the buyers outlay of funds. Buyers should be prepared to make a ten percent deposit in coordination with signing the purchase and sale agreement, fully fund the survey and trial run; plus any expenses related to due diligence, and have the balance accounted for at the time of closing. Although the purchase of a vessel requires funds upfront, consider them as a means to the end; you’ll finally be one step closer to being the skipper of your dream boat!

Whether the perfect vessel is a high performance fishing vessel, a smooth sailing island hopping cruiser, or a summer’s day picnic boat, the boat buying process is a necessary component to boat ownership; and utilizing the knowledge and skill of a broker can assure you’ve followed the prudent, systematic, and correct way to acquire a yacht.  Use this Fall and Winter to begin the buying process and help avoid limited Spring supply.  Starting early will enable your future boat to splash first, come the 2019 boating season!

For more information regarding the boat buying process and to work with a buyers advocate, please contact Clay at Latitude Yacht Brokerage to help make yacht ownership a reality. (203)-836-9081

List your boat with Latitude! 150 150 admin

List your boat with Latitude!

After a very busy and successful summer Latitude is in search of quality vessels to represent.   We have led the Rhode Island industry in total sales volume, marketing, innovation and customer service. We look forward to continuing the tradition as we move forward into the winter boat show season.  Consider Latitude as your yacht brokerage company and discover the Latitude difference first hand:

  • Your Listing Is Our Highest Priority – No New Boat Lines
  • CPYB Endorsed Yacht Brokerage Firm – One of a select few in the country to meet this high standard!
  • Industry Leader in Brokerage Boat Sales
  • Newport Life’s Best Customer Service – 2015, 2016, 2017
  • Newport Life’s Best Yacht Sales – 2017, 2018
  • Aggressive Marketing Plan – Boat Shows, Website, Several MLSs, Select Print Media and Active Social Media

If you are thinking about selling your boat this winter be sure to reach out to us in advance of the winter boat shows so that your boat is in our boat show marketing program.  Contact us by replying to this email or call us at 401-560-0007.